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man wearing hi vis jacket assessing scaffoldYou may already be, or are thinking about, working for a company that requires you to work at height. The most dangerous aspect of these jobs is not the height itself, but the lack of safety knowledge – falls are one of the biggest causes of injury in the construction industry. So, Access Towers are here to offer some working at height guidance to help keep you safe while you’re up in the air.

Working at Height Guidance

First of all, this blog post applies to anyone who carries out work at a height great enough to cause themselves an injury if they should fall. Whether you regularly work up a ladder, or at high levels of scaffolding, there are regulations that should be followed to help prevent injury. Below we have set out the dos and don’ts of our working at height guidance.


  • Take weather conditions into consideration – if it’s too windy or wet, the risk of injury will be higher.
  • Make sure your equipment is stable and suitable for the task at hand. You should also be able to access your equipment safely with the least amount of risks.
  • Carry out a full risk assessment to ensure extra precautions are taken where necessary. For example, if you’re working on or near a fragile surface be wary as these could break and could lead to falling debris.
  • Know your emergency evacuation process – this is very important as it could ultimately save your life.


  • Carry too much when going up a ladder or overextend the ladders. Make sure you’re in a comfortable position to carry out the task.
  • Let anyone who is not familiar with this type of work carry out any tasks without the proper training.
  • Fail to lose concentration when at height – the smallest mistake could lead to a fall or injury.
  • Attempt to complete a task using the wrong equipment or without knowing the risks.


Working at Height with Access Towers

Access Towers Services Ltd have set out these dos and don’ts to help you stay safe. If you would like more working at height guidance or would like to discuss the services we can offer you, simply give us a call on 0208 665 1181 or send us an email:

Additionally, you can take a look at this Working at Height Guide put together by HSE for further information.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is considered working at height?

Anything above ground level is considered Working at Height. Access Towers are a large provider of PASMA Training and sit within the top 5% in the UK, allowing us to train the full range of 1-Day PASMA Courses to suit any of your work at height Tower Training requirements.

What are the working at height regulations?

It is recommended by Health & Safety standards that those who are assembling Towers should be PASMA Trained. This will give operatives a 5-year qualification of competency for the use of mobile towers.

Do I need to have a licence/certificate to use the equipment?

Certifications will vary depending on what equipment you’re hiring. It’s always best to speak with our Hire Desk if you are unsure, where they can advise what will be best for you or in more advanced working conditions, we can install onsite.

What are the different training sessions you offer & who are they for?

Training courses are for anyone using the equipment, from commercially to domestically. These will range from PASMA Training for the use of Towers, IPAF Training for the use of MEWPS as well as various other courses such as Safety Harness Training and First Aid.

How do I know which equipment will be right for the job?

Our Hire Desk are trained across the full range of work at height stock available and will be able to advise and assist cost-free.

How quickly can you supply the tower(s)?

We aim for a next-day turnaround, this is dependent on the transport routes and how busy we are at the time. It works both ways and could be earlier than your requested date.